Faith Ministries Help Hotline
614-416-8500 x 6
Peter and John went up to the temple one day at the hour of prayer and a lame man laying at the gate of the temple asked them for some money. Peter and John knew that they didn’t have any money to give him, but they didn’t just walk by him. They said: “Silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I unto thee.”
During these tight times at Faith Ministries, we don’t have any money to give, but that does not mean we have nothing to give. In fact, we have a wealth of resources in our membership which we are going to organize and share with each other and the community.
We’re introducing the Faith Ministries Help Hotline. If we can help you with resources, information, transportation, picking up medicine, seniors who need help shopping, prayer, applying for Medicaid, food stamps, referrals and more - Call 614-416-8500 x 6
Then, if you have resources, information, talents and time you want to share to help others call 614-416-8500 x 6 to volunteer.
That’s the Faith Ministries Help Hotline
Call for help. Call to Help
614-416-8500 x 6 or Email us using the form below
Faith Ministries Church
2747 Agler Rd
Columbus, Oh 43224
Dr. C. Dexter Wise III - Pastor
Dr. Shirley D. Wise - First Lady
(614) 416-8500
© Copyright 2020
Faith Ministries Church. All Rights Reserved.