
2022 Re-Vison Summit

Saturday, January 8, 2022 - 1-3 PM

How to Celebrate and Serve In-Person, Online and Off Site

Then the Lord answered me and said: “Write the vision and make it plain on

tablets, that he may run who reads it". – Habakkuk 2: 2

Please Watch this 5 minute video where Dr. Wise explains more fully.

(Make sure you watch it more than once before the summit.)

Celebration and Service

From the very beginning, the mission and mantra of Faith Ministries Church has been, we are “the church where every member is a minister in celebration and service of Christ.” For 30 years, we have sought to live up to that challenge by offering opportunities to celebrate and serve Christ in traditional and non-traditional ways, in conventional ways and non-conventional ways, in creative and even controversial ways.


We have done this from Grotto Temple, Cleveland Ave., Northland High School, and 2747 Agler Rd. for people of all ages, sizes, shapes and descriptions literally around the world. Our mission and mantra has never changed. We are “the church where every member is a minister in celebration and service of Christ.”


However, while our mission and mantra has not changed, given this new COVID 19 reality, the manner in which we implement this mission must be revisited and re-envisioned. Since we can no longer assume certain basic conditions which were so fundamental to what we did, we must now look again at what we do and how we do it.

How Things Have Changed

  • More than half of our congregation meets online and not in person.
  • Our in-person meetings have been drastically scaled back or essentially shut down.
  • There is still a great need (and perhaps now an even greater need) for the services we did offer in-person, but cannot do so now.
  • Not meeting in person does not excuse us from doing ministry.
  • The online world offers us an even greater opportunity to serve.
  • The doors of the church may be closed most of the time, but the opportunities to do ministry are available 24/7, that is, all of the time.
  • While people may be hesitant to gather in person, they nevertheless desire to make a meaningful contribution to the church and to kingdom building.

Basic Questions

Therefore, here are some basic questions which cry out to us for answers:


  • How can we, not only continue, but expand our various ministries?
  • How can we engage people in celebration and service who seldom, if ever, meet in person?
  • How can we create a sense of community in a congregation which seldom meets as a whole?
  • How can we reach those who are on the other side of the digital divide and have neither access to nor familiarity with the internet and other technology?
  • How do we keep the members who connect with the church online and offsite, accountable to their ministry commitments such that they do not drift off into a cyber space abyss of absenteeism?

The Question of the Day

These are the questions and this is our challenge as leaders and members of Faith Ministries Church:


“In what specific ways can we provide the essentials of our ministry in “spirit and in truth” utilizing people who do not meet in person, while at the same time, serving people who may or may not meet in person.”


In other words, what does my ministry look like if it has to be carried out by people who do not meet in person and offered to people who may or may not meet in person?


Your Invitation

To this end, I am asking every ministry leader and interested every member to join me on Saturday, January 8, 2022 from 1 PM – 3 PM on "Mount Zoom" for a Re-Vision Summit. 


Please come prayed up and prepared to discuss what and how we can create, develop and implement ways and means to enlist and engage the whole untapped army of members who are waiting off site and online to be challenged and involved in the celebration and service of Christ from wherever they may be in the world.

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